Monday, August 29, 2005


Today's Cereal: The very last of the Vanilla Creme Frosted Mini Wheats, and Cran-Vanilla Crunch. I also had some Honeycomb at lunch with my boring peanut butter sandwich. Honeycomb's big, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Current Mood: Tired, and wondering why I spent The Boy's naptime surfing the internet instead of sleeping. Dumbass.

So The Boy took a trip to the Instacare Saturday.

Kitt was mowing the lawn, and The Boy--always interested in anything with wheels-- decided to check it out. No, he didn't get his hand cut off (but wouldn't that be cool to be known as the Mother of the Boy with the Hook-for-a-Hand?), he was burned really badly when he decided to grab a part of it. He's got this MONSTER blister that covers most of his Venus mount (for those of you who DON'T read palms, that the base of his thumb. Yes, I already TOLD you, I read palms. Email me a good scan and I'll see what I can do for you.)

He'll tell you all about what happened, but the only words you will be able to pick out of his gibberish is "burned", and "hot". Pretty cute. Aside from the monster blister. Oh, and the crying.

He's okay now; if only he would leave the bandage on. I've had to wrestle it back onto him four times today after he pulled it off. Keep in mind that this is a two-man operation. And I am home alone. Yeah, so I'm so annoyed with him that I couldn't stop yelling at him this morning. Yes, you can send my Mother-of-the-Year award directly to my house.

In other news, Robin "slept through the night" for the first time Friday night. Slept from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.. I would have really enjoyed the sleep that would have given me, but instead we stayed up till 3:00 a.m. having fun with Scott and Sara. I am proud to say I got Sara hooked on making jewelry. She made a very lovely bracelet. I, also, made a masterpiece. I will post a picture as soon as Sara e-mails it to me. (hint, hint. : ) ) The baby slept just as well Saturday night; but wouldn't you know it, DIDN'T last night. I'm sure it's because she knew Kitt had to get up early for work. Alas for me.

Going to the Family History Library tomorrow. Focus all your psychic energies for me on my great-great-great grandfather, Charles. Maybe he'll decide to offer me some help in finding him. I wouldn't mind a personal appearance, but all I really WANT is just some proof of which Charles Foss is MY Charles Foss.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Date Night

So a week ago today, the Hubby and I were able to go on our first date--without the kids!!-- in a long, long time. A LONG time. Seriously, a very long time. It totally rocked; in a wholesome-married-Mormon-couple way. We had gift certificates to Johnny Carino's and a movie, so we used them both. Sorry Johnny, your restaraunt is good, but it's no Olive Garden. But I will forgive you because it was SO EFFING AWESOME to be in a nice restaraunt without having to wrestle a toddler and bolt our food so we could get out before he started screaming. Yeah. We actually had A CONVERSATION. About STUFF. I died and went to heaven.

The great thing was, my brother and sister-in-law took the kids, and they live close enough to the restaraunt/movie theater that I was able to nurse the baby before we dropped them off, then go eat dinner, then run back and nurse the baby again, then go see our movie. (I would never give up breastfeeding, and in most cases I will argue that it is a zillion times more convenient than formula-feeding--except when you want to go out for more than two hours. But I digress.)

We saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I know, not the most romantic of movies to see on our first date in a bajillion years, but it was AWESOME! I liked it way better than the Gene Wilder version, for the most part. The Oompa Loompas were HI-larious, the songs were cool, the kids were perfect. Which reminds me, our dear friends' kid looks EXACTLY like the girl that played Violet Beauregard, except she's like 7 years younger. It was a creepy resemblance.

The best part was, I cried like, three times during the movie. Yes, during Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am not kidding. This is what recently having a baby will do to you. Both times Charlie opened his chocolate bar and there was no golden ticket there-- man, the waterworks started. He was just so hopeful about getting a ticket, and he deserved it SO MUCH... and the little boy playing Charlie had such an innocent, wide-eyed look to him. It reminded me of Aiden; and then I could imagine my little boy wanting a golden ticket that much, and how disappointed he would be... I never want to see my kid that disappointed. And it got me all crying, and stuff. There was a little girl sitting next to me in the theater that must have thought I was the BIGGEST FREAK! I'd start to cry, and she'd look over at me, all concerned-like. I think she must have thought I was retarded or something. Because what kind of grown-up cries about a movie that they already know how it's going to end? And THEN when Charlie actually GOT the golden ticket, I sort of gasped, and then started crying all over again. That little girl just LOOKED at me, and then at her dad--as if to say, "trade me seats", and then back at me. It was awesome.

So, thanks again Holly & Dave for taking our kids. I'd forgotten what it's like to go out. Maybe the next step will be actually having sex again. Remember sex? It was awesome.

Yeah, so shut up.

Today's Cereal: None yet! Probably Rice Chex because I've been ignoring them, and they'll feel bad if I don't eat them as much as I eat the other cereals. Yes, I'm aware of how weird that sounds.
Current Mood: up

Yeah, so I've sort of been neglecting my blog.

What's it to you? It's my blog!

Okay, okay. More later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Buy stock in cold cereal if you know what's good for you.

Today's Cereal: Cran-Vanilla Crunch
Current Mood: A little loopy

I have a new boyfriend. (It's okay, Kitt- he's gay. At least, I think it's okay... is that okay, Josh?) Josh has showered me with a little attention at his blog, and so I am proclaiming my love. What can I say, I'm a little bit of a blog hor.

I stumbled upon Josh's blog and found that he just may be as big a fan of Harry Potter as I am. And I, in turn, am as big a fan of cold cereal as he is. His post has reminded me of just how much I love cereal. And so, in the spirit of love (and all that), here are my top ten most loved cereals*:

  1. Cran-Vanilla Crunch. It's new! I found this most wonderful creation just last week, and it took me only 3 days to finish the box. Alone. And only because I paced myself. I really could have finished it in a day. Craisins, crunchy flakes, vanilla yogurt-y clumps... what's not to love? Sweet enough that you don't have to add sugar, but adult enough to be respectable.
  2. Corn Pops. I have this weird ritual when I eat Pops... I like to eat all the tiniest and broken Pops first, and then when I have a bowlful of just the big ones, I will eat them one by one, smallest to biggest, until I have one left-- the biggest mofo Pop in my bowl. And I savor it.
  3. Frosted Rice Krispies. Weirdly enough, I can only find these at Wal-Mart. I think they are new. I love 'em. I like the small texture, the frosted-ness, and that it makes your milk all sweet when you are done.
  4. Golden Grahams. I recently re-discovered the golden goodness of this mana after a long stint of thinking I didn't like them anymore.
  5. Oatmeal Squares. Man, a box of these weighs 5 pounds. Seriously. I like that it fills you up. While my love for Pops will never die, I have to eat, like, 5 bowls to feel like I can make it to lunchtime.
  6. Honeycomb. 'Cause Honeycomb's big. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's just so damn big. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's really just huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's so effin' big...
  7. Maple Frosted Mini-Wheats. I'm a big fan of maple. These smell terrific!
  8. Cocoa Krispies. The wonderful texture and Snap!Crackle!Pop! of regular Rice Krispies, but CHOCOLATE. Duh. And you get chocolate milk at the end! It used to be that Cocoa Puffs was my chocolate cereal of choice, but they've changed them somehow. They are just different lately. Not as good. I can't put my finger on what is wrong. I think it started when General Mills started making all their cereals "healthy". So yeah, Cocoa Krispies.
  9. Raisin Nut Bran. I like the raisins all covered in sweet, nutty clothes. I like to eat all the flakes and stuff first, and leave the raisins till very last. And then I eat the smallest raisins first-- well, you get the idea. This cereal would rank higher on my list, but it has slivers of almonds in it. Not a big fan of plain nuts, and there are SO MANY of them in this cereal. I end up picking half of them out. Also it's expensive, so I don't get it very often.
  10. AlphaBits! Who doesn't love spelling their name (and swear words) with their breakfast? You are a Nazi if you don't.
*Most loved for now. My list changes as frequently as the marshmallows in Luky Charms.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

It's me!

Today's Cereal: Berry Burst Cheerios
Current Mood: Almost asleep

My brother took this picture of me today with his camera phone:

The family met in the park for my grandmother's birthday today. My grandma interesting. She is in her 70's, but still likes to wear short skirts, go dancing, and get drunk with her boyfriend. A lot of people might think that is totally "rad" of my grandma, but to me it is a little over the top. I think I started feeling this way when I was 17 and she tried to convince me that I could have a baby. She had a baby at 17, after all, and look how it turned out for her! I think that was the same day that she tried to get me to dance the Macarena with her in the Golden Corral parking lot. Uh, no thanks grandma.

Friday, August 12, 2005

A little of this, a little of that.

Today's Cereal: Golden Grahams & Cocoa Puffs
Current Mood: Blue

11 things I am thinking about right now:

  1. I wish they made Mocha Puffs. I'd totally eat those.
  2. I guess if I want to lose the extra 20 pounds I am hauling around on my ass I need to stop eating 3 bowls of cereal everyday, huh?
  3. I just got my hair cut 2 or 3 weeks ago and already it's too long! I woke up this morning after a hard night with the baby and I looked like a white Don King. All the sides were flattened from laying on them, but the top was sticking STRAIGHT UP. Too bad I don't have a digital camera-- I think you'd get a kick out of my look right now.
  4. If the baby barfs on me ONE MORE TIME I'm going to scream. She spits up so much I've started using receiving blankets and kitchen towels because we run out of burp cloths.
  5. I'd really like to watch the news right now. How boring is that? If I have to watch Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tank Engine or the Little People or Baby Einstein one more time, I'm going to lose my mind.
  6. Did I mention I wish I was in St. Croix? Man, I need a vacation. WITHOUT the kids. (Yeah, like I can leave a breastfed baby while I go on vaca. No, I'm resigned to the fact that it will be YEARS before we get to go anywhere.)
  7. I have lots and lots of beads calling to me. But I have a significant lack of time. I believe it was Scott who said that my kids would never sleep at the same time. They don't. I think they got together and planned it. Doesn't matter--even if they did sleep at the same time, I still wouldn't get to make jewelry. I'd just sleep myself. Nevermind the fact that the house needs to be cleaned like there's no tomorrow, and I never did do my statistics report for my job. I'm surprised my supervisor hasn't called me about it... And here I am blogging instead!
  8. Had a kick-A migraine last night. My head hurt so much that my pillow felt like it was made of cast iron. Glad it's over. Thanks to my hubby who took care of the kids while I tried to sleep it off.
  9. I have ONE pair of pants that fits me. I went out and bought them just so I would have at least one pair. Stupidly, though, I bought pants that are made of linen. If you've ever owned anything linen, you know why this is a problem: They need to be ironed after wearing them for 5 minutes, let alone after they are washed. So there they sit, my one pair of pants that fit me, waiting until I have time to iron them before I can wear them again. I guess what I'm saying is, I effectively have NO pants that fit me. Yesterday I wore pajamas most of the day. I feel so classy.
  10. Last night I picked up the portraits of the Wee One that Shawna had done for me when she was only 10 days old. They are adorable. I want to make birth announcements/blessing invitations with the wallets. Anyone out there have any cute ideas of how to do this?
  11. We still have movie tickets that were given to us last Christmas. I'd love, Love, LOVE to use them tonight. The first person to volunteer gets the glory of being Baby Robin's First Official Babysitter. (Of course, you'd have to take The Boy, too...)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

This is my life. Sigh.

Today's Cereal: Golden Grahams
Current Mood: Wistful

You know the building at the Hogle Zoo where they have the meerkats and the crocodiles and stuff? The "Bubble House"? I just changed The Boy's diaper, and it totally smelled like that building. For those of you in (or from) Utah, I KNOW you totally know what I'm talking about.

Sigh. I wish I was in St. Croix.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Just Because

Today's Cereal: Life
Current Mood: Hot and tired

Just because I think he's SuperCute, here's a pic of The Boy in my parents' hot tub:

Friday, August 05, 2005

A little business

Today's Cereal: Special K. With a banana I shared with The Boy.
Current Mood: Meh.

I have updated my links! Now they are separated into Family Blogs, and my Blog Friends. New to the Family Blogs section is my cool brother Dave, and his brilliant wife, Holly. And also in my Blog Friends section is Orion Skie. Welcome to my links, guys!

I realized that I had misread one of the questions from the Tagged Game in my previous post. One of them is 5 things I would do with $100,000,000. I read it as one million, not one hundred million! So here is my updated answer to that:

1) Buy a new house and 2 new cars-- and pay cash!
2) Pay off all my siblings' and parent's and in-laws' houses.
3) Buy a manor on St. Croix; take the whole family there bi-annually. Live there myself during the winter.
4) Travel the world
5) Start my husband's dream business

and I have to have one more. Sorry if that's cheating:
6) Start a charitable foundation for genealogists. It would award grants to genealogists, to pay for travel to the countries their ancestors came from so they could do research there. It would also award money to organizations that could help microfilm and index genealogical records. St. Croix records first! (Do you know how hard it is to research in the Virgin Islands, where all the records I need have been damaged or destroyed by hurricanes?!?)

I was also going to post a picture of my new, super-short haircut. But upon inspecting the pictures, I think I won't. I looked weird in both pictures (not my hair-- my position made my head look freakishly small and my neck freakishly big. The hair looked great!) I am vain enough that I don't want the world (or at least the 8 or 9 people who will ever see my blog) to see me looking anything but hot. No, make that HOTT. I must look hott at all times. (though the new baby is making that increasingly hard. Soooooo tired... Can't...fight...dark under-eye circles....)

Monday, August 01, 2005


Today's Cereal: Special K and Life
Current Mood: Am I ever anything but Tired lately?

Sarah tagged me. Hooray! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these things:

10 years ago: I had just graduated from high school, and had recently cut my waist-length hair to a chin-length bob-- It shocked a lot of people, and it was very liberating. I was working a temporary job (that later became permanent) at a law firm with my best friend at the time, Diantha. It was my first real job, and I was thrilled about the glamour of working downtown with very professional people. I loved getting dressed up for work, and spending my lunch break walking to the mall. It was also the start of a rather difficult time in my life, but a time of MUCH learning for me.

5 years ago: I was working as the receptionist at the agency I am still with, but things were much different. My old boss was still there, who I loved. One of my life-mentors was still there also, but Bitchy Heather was there, too, and making my life miserable. But my work schedule was such that I had a half-day off once a week, and my mother and I would use that day to go the Family History Library and research our family. Mom and I became very close because of that.
Kitt and I were living in a big house that we had been sharing with another couple. They had just moved out into an apartment because we were in the process of buying a condo; however the sale of that fell through, and so we were house-hunting. That was alternately fun and stressful.

1 year ago: One year ago today was a Sunday, so I was teaching the adult Sunday School class. Can you imagine little old me teaching the scriptures to people who are 2 and 3 times my age? I had that calling for 4 years, and grew to love doing it. I also discovered that I can be a very good teacher if my heart is in it.
I had just quit my job a couple of months ago, so I was still adjusting to being home all day with my then 7-month-old baby. It was a more difficult adjustment than I realized it would be, but it was just what the baby needed. And what I needed, I think.

Yesterday: I took the new baby to church for the first time. It went better than expected, and it was very good to get out of the house. I also went to my mom’s house and we cooked her dinner because she had back surgery last week and can’t move.

Tomorrow: I might take the kids out to my mom’s again and see what I can do to help. I might not make it out of the house again, though—so then I would just be sitting around here. Again. Watching a lot of TV with The Boy while I wait for the Baby to wake up. Again.

5 snacks I enjoy: Oooh, tough question. I will narrow it down to fresh donuts from the Harmon’s Bakery, fresh and warm cookies, anything ice cream, chocolate Twizzlers, and Skittles (or Starbursts—they are interchangeable.)

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: U2, Counting Crows (August & Everything, anyways), the Soundtrack to Phantom of the Paradise, Depeche Mode, and Erasure.

5 things I'd do with $100,000,000: Pay off my house and car, buy a new car, take the whole family to St. Croix, go on a second Honeymoon to Italy, and make Kitt quit his job to pursue his dream of designing games and toys.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: St. Croix, Tuscany, Disneyland, San Diego, and Charleston

5 bad habits I have: Being late for everything, swearing too much, not returning calls, going grocery shopping hungry, and not balancing my checkbook (ignorance is bliss)

5 things I like doing: Sleeping (blessed sleep!), surfing the internet, making jewelry, talking to my hubby, taking The Boy fun places

5 thing I will never wear: Thong underwear, platform shoes, a nose ring, a bikini (not anymore, anyways. Stupid stretch marks!) and anything orange.

5 TV shows I like: The Simpsons, King of the Hill, American Idol, Smallville, Scrubs.

5 movies I like: Cold Comfort Farm, Cinema Paradiso, Prince of Egypt, Raising Arizona, and...and...oh! We finally saw National Treasure. I rather liked that.

5 people I'd like to meet: My great-great-great grandfather, my great-great-great-great-great grandmother (it’s a genealogist thing), Gordon B. Hinkley, Bono, and J.K, Rowling.

5 biggest joys at the moment: Washing my baby’s hair, hearing my Boy say “moo”, being able to wear big earrings again because my hair is super-short now (pictures coming!), knowing we’re having pasta for dinner tonight, and that both kids are finally asleep so I can be, too.

5 favorite toys: My Little Ponies, Legos, Spirograph, Adventure People, and Barbie

5 tagged: Failproof, My Stars in the Sky, Stopping Traffic, What Could I Say...?, and Jana’s World