Today's Cereal: The very last of the Vanilla Creme Frosted Mini Wheats, and Cran-Vanilla Crunch. I also had some Honeycomb at lunch with my boring peanut butter sandwich. Honeycomb's big, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Current Mood: Tired, and wondering why I spent The Boy's naptime surfing the internet instead of sleeping. Dumbass.
So The Boy took a trip to the Instacare Saturday.
Kitt was mowing the lawn, and The Boy--always interested in anything with wheels-- decided to check it out. No, he didn't get his hand cut off (but wouldn't that be cool to be known as the Mother of the Boy with the Hook-for-a-Hand?), he was burned really badly when he decided to grab a part of it. He's got this MONSTER blister that covers most of his Venus mount (for those of you who DON'T read palms, that the base of his thumb. Yes, I already TOLD you, I read palms. Email me a good scan and I'll see what I can do for you.)
He'll tell you all about what happened, but the only words you will be able to pick out of his gibberish is "burned", and "hot". Pretty cute. Aside from the monster blister. Oh, and the crying.
He's okay now; if only he would leave the bandage on. I've had to wrestle it back onto him four times today after he pulled it off. Keep in mind that this is a two-man operation. And I am home alone. Yeah, so I'm so annoyed with him that I couldn't stop yelling at him this morning. Yes, you can send my Mother-of-the-Year award directly to my house.
In other news, Robin "slept through the night" for the first time Friday night. Slept from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.. I would have really enjoyed the sleep that would have given me, but instead we stayed up till 3:00 a.m. having fun with Scott and Sara. I am proud to say I got Sara hooked on making jewelry. She made a very lovely bracelet. I, also, made a masterpiece. I will post a picture as soon as Sara e-mails it to me. (hint, hint. : ) ) The baby slept just as well Saturday night; but wouldn't you know it, DIDN'T last night. I'm sure it's because she knew Kitt had to get up early for work. Alas for me.
Going to the Family History Library tomorrow. Focus all your psychic energies for me on my great-great-great grandfather, Charles. Maybe he'll decide to offer me some help in finding him. I wouldn't mind a personal appearance, but all I really WANT is just some proof of which Charles Foss is MY Charles Foss.