Friday, August 12, 2005

A little of this, a little of that.

Today's Cereal: Golden Grahams & Cocoa Puffs
Current Mood: Blue

11 things I am thinking about right now:

  1. I wish they made Mocha Puffs. I'd totally eat those.
  2. I guess if I want to lose the extra 20 pounds I am hauling around on my ass I need to stop eating 3 bowls of cereal everyday, huh?
  3. I just got my hair cut 2 or 3 weeks ago and already it's too long! I woke up this morning after a hard night with the baby and I looked like a white Don King. All the sides were flattened from laying on them, but the top was sticking STRAIGHT UP. Too bad I don't have a digital camera-- I think you'd get a kick out of my look right now.
  4. If the baby barfs on me ONE MORE TIME I'm going to scream. She spits up so much I've started using receiving blankets and kitchen towels because we run out of burp cloths.
  5. I'd really like to watch the news right now. How boring is that? If I have to watch Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tank Engine or the Little People or Baby Einstein one more time, I'm going to lose my mind.
  6. Did I mention I wish I was in St. Croix? Man, I need a vacation. WITHOUT the kids. (Yeah, like I can leave a breastfed baby while I go on vaca. No, I'm resigned to the fact that it will be YEARS before we get to go anywhere.)
  7. I have lots and lots of beads calling to me. But I have a significant lack of time. I believe it was Scott who said that my kids would never sleep at the same time. They don't. I think they got together and planned it. Doesn't matter--even if they did sleep at the same time, I still wouldn't get to make jewelry. I'd just sleep myself. Nevermind the fact that the house needs to be cleaned like there's no tomorrow, and I never did do my statistics report for my job. I'm surprised my supervisor hasn't called me about it... And here I am blogging instead!
  8. Had a kick-A migraine last night. My head hurt so much that my pillow felt like it was made of cast iron. Glad it's over. Thanks to my hubby who took care of the kids while I tried to sleep it off.
  9. I have ONE pair of pants that fits me. I went out and bought them just so I would have at least one pair. Stupidly, though, I bought pants that are made of linen. If you've ever owned anything linen, you know why this is a problem: They need to be ironed after wearing them for 5 minutes, let alone after they are washed. So there they sit, my one pair of pants that fit me, waiting until I have time to iron them before I can wear them again. I guess what I'm saying is, I effectively have NO pants that fit me. Yesterday I wore pajamas most of the day. I feel so classy.
  10. Last night I picked up the portraits of the Wee One that Shawna had done for me when she was only 10 days old. They are adorable. I want to make birth announcements/blessing invitations with the wallets. Anyone out there have any cute ideas of how to do this?
  11. We still have movie tickets that were given to us last Christmas. I'd love, Love, LOVE to use them tonight. The first person to volunteer gets the glory of being Baby Robin's First Official Babysitter. (Of course, you'd have to take The Boy, too...)


At Fri Aug 12, 11:35:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

You know that if I wasn't allergic to cats, I'd be there for you.

At Fri Aug 12, 06:13:00 PM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

If you'd come pick me up, and then drop me back off after, I'd come babysit.

We've been gone so much lately and used so much gas that it's kind of a I don't feel I can ask Scott to go out again, kind of thing, and I currently don't have a driver's license.

Seriously though, it's 6:15 come and get me and I'll watch them for you.


At Fri Aug 12, 06:34:00 PM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

Oh yeah plus I could bring Emily, and she could entertain The Boy. And she loves to hold Robin.


Maybe Scott could drop me off and you guys bring me back, but as you don't seem to be home, I spose you already found somebody!

At Mon Aug 22, 03:50:00 PM MDT, Blogger Carly said...

beads? I've made a few necklaces

- here's one

(this is not spam, I swear...I'm not selling them yet)

At Tue Aug 23, 06:50:00 PM MDT, Blogger Carly said...

here's a couple of my others (your email address didn't come through in the comment on my blog but thanks!!)


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