Monday, August 01, 2005


Today's Cereal: Special K and Life
Current Mood: Am I ever anything but Tired lately?

Sarah tagged me. Hooray! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these things:

10 years ago: I had just graduated from high school, and had recently cut my waist-length hair to a chin-length bob-- It shocked a lot of people, and it was very liberating. I was working a temporary job (that later became permanent) at a law firm with my best friend at the time, Diantha. It was my first real job, and I was thrilled about the glamour of working downtown with very professional people. I loved getting dressed up for work, and spending my lunch break walking to the mall. It was also the start of a rather difficult time in my life, but a time of MUCH learning for me.

5 years ago: I was working as the receptionist at the agency I am still with, but things were much different. My old boss was still there, who I loved. One of my life-mentors was still there also, but Bitchy Heather was there, too, and making my life miserable. But my work schedule was such that I had a half-day off once a week, and my mother and I would use that day to go the Family History Library and research our family. Mom and I became very close because of that.
Kitt and I were living in a big house that we had been sharing with another couple. They had just moved out into an apartment because we were in the process of buying a condo; however the sale of that fell through, and so we were house-hunting. That was alternately fun and stressful.

1 year ago: One year ago today was a Sunday, so I was teaching the adult Sunday School class. Can you imagine little old me teaching the scriptures to people who are 2 and 3 times my age? I had that calling for 4 years, and grew to love doing it. I also discovered that I can be a very good teacher if my heart is in it.
I had just quit my job a couple of months ago, so I was still adjusting to being home all day with my then 7-month-old baby. It was a more difficult adjustment than I realized it would be, but it was just what the baby needed. And what I needed, I think.

Yesterday: I took the new baby to church for the first time. It went better than expected, and it was very good to get out of the house. I also went to my mom’s house and we cooked her dinner because she had back surgery last week and can’t move.

Tomorrow: I might take the kids out to my mom’s again and see what I can do to help. I might not make it out of the house again, though—so then I would just be sitting around here. Again. Watching a lot of TV with The Boy while I wait for the Baby to wake up. Again.

5 snacks I enjoy: Oooh, tough question. I will narrow it down to fresh donuts from the Harmon’s Bakery, fresh and warm cookies, anything ice cream, chocolate Twizzlers, and Skittles (or Starbursts—they are interchangeable.)

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: U2, Counting Crows (August & Everything, anyways), the Soundtrack to Phantom of the Paradise, Depeche Mode, and Erasure.

5 things I'd do with $100,000,000: Pay off my house and car, buy a new car, take the whole family to St. Croix, go on a second Honeymoon to Italy, and make Kitt quit his job to pursue his dream of designing games and toys.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: St. Croix, Tuscany, Disneyland, San Diego, and Charleston

5 bad habits I have: Being late for everything, swearing too much, not returning calls, going grocery shopping hungry, and not balancing my checkbook (ignorance is bliss)

5 things I like doing: Sleeping (blessed sleep!), surfing the internet, making jewelry, talking to my hubby, taking The Boy fun places

5 thing I will never wear: Thong underwear, platform shoes, a nose ring, a bikini (not anymore, anyways. Stupid stretch marks!) and anything orange.

5 TV shows I like: The Simpsons, King of the Hill, American Idol, Smallville, Scrubs.

5 movies I like: Cold Comfort Farm, Cinema Paradiso, Prince of Egypt, Raising Arizona, and...and...oh! We finally saw National Treasure. I rather liked that.

5 people I'd like to meet: My great-great-great grandfather, my great-great-great-great-great grandmother (it’s a genealogist thing), Gordon B. Hinkley, Bono, and J.K, Rowling.

5 biggest joys at the moment: Washing my baby’s hair, hearing my Boy say “moo”, being able to wear big earrings again because my hair is super-short now (pictures coming!), knowing we’re having pasta for dinner tonight, and that both kids are finally asleep so I can be, too.

5 favorite toys: My Little Ponies, Legos, Spirograph, Adventure People, and Barbie

5 tagged: Failproof, My Stars in the Sky, Stopping Traffic, What Could I Say...?, and Jana’s World


At Tue Aug 02, 02:10:00 PM MDT, Blogger LizzieDaisy said...

You can so wear a bikini. Wear a bikini anyhoo. Don't wear platform shoes though. I'm with you on that. :)

Can I wash your baby's hair? Hm. Maybe that sounds weird. Teehee. It just smells so good afterward and babies are so cuddly. I really need a baby to hold. Where are my sis's in law? Wah!!

Tagged. I will have to work on this. Thanks so much. This will be fun, though I have no clue what I was doing 5 minutes ago, much less 5 years ago. Eeks.

At Tue Aug 02, 03:34:00 PM MDT, Blogger failproof said...

OK... so being knew to this here blog thingy, I don't know any other bloggers that you didn't already tag, but I've done mine and sort of tagged Holly who would be good at telling you what she was doing 10 years ago and 5 years ago, etc.

At Tue Aug 02, 03:43:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Awesome, Dave. I figured tagging people would be a problem for you, but I thought you'd like the blog-fodder anyways. I hope Holly posts to your blog... I was trying to get Kitt to post something to mine the other day, but he wouldn't. Too shy?

At Tue Aug 02, 03:51:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

And Lizzie, you can come wash the Baby's hair anytime! It is so sweet becuase she LOVES it. She cries during her bath, but once I wrap her up and start on her hair, she gets all "googley" and just lays back and relaxes to enjoy it. It's almost funny. She is such a GIRL! She's gonna love to go to the salon one day.

Right now the bikini thing is scaring me-- aside from the creepy stretch marks (thought I couldn't get MORE after the first kid!) I'm still dealing with the saggy, stretched-out skin. I have to keep reminding myself that it's only been 3 weeks, but it's so GROSS! Sigh.

At Wed Aug 03, 10:09:00 AM MDT, Blogger Holly said...

Hey Beck,

I have a blog Go check it out if you have a minute.

At Thu Aug 04, 04:42:00 PM MDT, Blogger Orion_skie said...

Tagged I'm It! Thank you for including me. I too love the smell of babies hair and o'course the cuddly part too.

At Fri Aug 05, 01:56:00 PM MDT, Blogger failproof said...

I see you are using the random page transition defense against me!
Probably thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain! Cheers!


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