Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Buy stock in cold cereal if you know what's good for you.

Today's Cereal: Cran-Vanilla Crunch
Current Mood: A little loopy

I have a new boyfriend. (It's okay, Kitt- he's gay. At least, I think it's okay... is that okay, Josh?) Josh has showered me with a little attention at his blog, and so I am proclaiming my love. What can I say, I'm a little bit of a blog hor.

I stumbled upon Josh's blog and found that he just may be as big a fan of Harry Potter as I am. And I, in turn, am as big a fan of cold cereal as he is. His post has reminded me of just how much I love cereal. And so, in the spirit of love (and all that), here are my top ten most loved cereals*:

  1. Cran-Vanilla Crunch. It's new! I found this most wonderful creation just last week, and it took me only 3 days to finish the box. Alone. And only because I paced myself. I really could have finished it in a day. Craisins, crunchy flakes, vanilla yogurt-y clumps... what's not to love? Sweet enough that you don't have to add sugar, but adult enough to be respectable.
  2. Corn Pops. I have this weird ritual when I eat Pops... I like to eat all the tiniest and broken Pops first, and then when I have a bowlful of just the big ones, I will eat them one by one, smallest to biggest, until I have one left-- the biggest mofo Pop in my bowl. And I savor it.
  3. Frosted Rice Krispies. Weirdly enough, I can only find these at Wal-Mart. I think they are new. I love 'em. I like the small texture, the frosted-ness, and that it makes your milk all sweet when you are done.
  4. Golden Grahams. I recently re-discovered the golden goodness of this mana after a long stint of thinking I didn't like them anymore.
  5. Oatmeal Squares. Man, a box of these weighs 5 pounds. Seriously. I like that it fills you up. While my love for Pops will never die, I have to eat, like, 5 bowls to feel like I can make it to lunchtime.
  6. Honeycomb. 'Cause Honeycomb's big. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's just so damn big. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's really just huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's so effin' big...
  7. Maple Frosted Mini-Wheats. I'm a big fan of maple. These smell terrific!
  8. Cocoa Krispies. The wonderful texture and Snap!Crackle!Pop! of regular Rice Krispies, but CHOCOLATE. Duh. And you get chocolate milk at the end! It used to be that Cocoa Puffs was my chocolate cereal of choice, but they've changed them somehow. They are just different lately. Not as good. I can't put my finger on what is wrong. I think it started when General Mills started making all their cereals "healthy". So yeah, Cocoa Krispies.
  9. Raisin Nut Bran. I like the raisins all covered in sweet, nutty clothes. I like to eat all the flakes and stuff first, and leave the raisins till very last. And then I eat the smallest raisins first-- well, you get the idea. This cereal would rank higher on my list, but it has slivers of almonds in it. Not a big fan of plain nuts, and there are SO MANY of them in this cereal. I end up picking half of them out. Also it's expensive, so I don't get it very often.
  10. AlphaBits! Who doesn't love spelling their name (and swear words) with their breakfast? You are a Nazi if you don't.
*Most loved for now. My list changes as frequently as the marshmallows in Luky Charms.


At Wed Aug 17, 02:05:00 AM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

Been so long since I regularly ate breakfast cereal, due to lactose intolerance, that it's hard to remember the ones I like. BUT I still eat some from time to time.

LOVE Post Grapenuts O's. Never tried the regular Grapenuts yet. But I didn't think Grapes were male . . .

Golden Grahams, I love those! Except when they get soggy.

Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Not sickly sweet and that oh so yummy PB taste.

Cracklin' Oat Bran. The circles that are crunchy? OhMyFreakinGosh, I LOVE these but it is SO expensive for such a small box.

Crispix! Dunno why I like it so much better than Chex, but it's a fun shape, w/two different sides, kinda bipolar. hee

Cranberry Honey Bunches of Oats, if I'm in the right mood. I like how the non-fruity parts of it seem to be coated, sort of, in fruity flavor, like fruit dust has migrated from the cranberries or something. And the crispity nuggets in there too. But if the flakes get soggy, yuck.

Frosted Mini-Wheats, and I always eat them frosted side down so that's the side that hits my tongue. Oooooo. Going to have to try that Maple version, sounds GOOD.

Lucky Charms as long as it's not a Schizophrenic marshmallow box, sometimes they get kinda psychedelic and freak me out.

I think they have a Honey Bunches of Oats w/the strawberries, I'd love that. I hate cheerios, and the Special K, the berries are good but not so fond of their flakes.

Man now I want me some cereal! It's all your fault . . .

I know there's more, I just can't think right now. And some of yours sound good too. Like the one w/ vanilla yogurt-y clumps. I like that fake solidified yogurty stuff, like on the bottom of Nature's Valley Yogurt Granola bars (has the yogurty stuff on the bottom, try the strawberry).

At Wed Aug 17, 02:06:00 AM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

Oh yeah, and on the Cracklin Oat Bran? The crunchy round circles? Sometimes I like em crunchy, and sometimes I let em soak up the milk and soften (but not sog, they are it's hard to describe but good).

At Wed Aug 17, 08:43:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

dude, honey nut chex is the way to go

At Wed Aug 17, 12:55:00 PM MDT, Blogger Scott said...

I have an issue with Golden Grahams. Sometimes (not in every box) - a bunch of the Grahams or powder (or something) will unionize and form one inpenetrible super Graham. You don't see it - but you can bet your a$$ you feel it. You go to bite down and lose 4 teeth. No amount of milk will make it soggy either - what's the deal?

At Wed Aug 17, 01:05:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Yes! I've experienced the Super Graham!! Wierd as hell. You get something like that in AlphaBits, too-- every so often you will get a letter that is cancerous with the sweet frosting; and it, too, is impenetrable.

At Wed Aug 17, 05:32:00 PM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

Fear the Almighty Super Graham! Is that anything like a Tell A Graham?

At Sat Aug 20, 04:08:00 PM MDT, Blogger Sarebear said...

I hope you are ok, Beck! Long time no hear. Mebbe just exhausted from the two little ones?
Talk to you soon, I hope! Call me if you want to.

At Mon Aug 22, 09:05:00 AM MDT, Blogger LizzieDaisy said...

Ewww... I got the shivers. Good cereal gone bad. They could make a horror movie on that. It's like clumping kitty litter.

Golly, so many new cereals to try... I am so, well, boring. I am too scared to try a box of "new" fangled stuff. Maybe I'll take some off the tops of everyone's lists later on. Me, I'm old standby... Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes Kellogg's Raisin Bran... sigh. I'll try to be brave this week at the grocery. :)

At Tue Aug 23, 11:44:00 AM MDT, Blogger Mathieu said...


I never ate one of those cereals!
I'm so into corn flakes. All the time. I just can't stomach sugar in the morning. the only thing I can eat is corn flakes. Or a tomato, lettuce, chesse sandwich. YUMMY!

My parents only ate honeycomb. ugh...

my girlfriend eats corn pops, or anything with sugar. It seems to really start her day. :)

Well, good cereal-eating.


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