Friday, May 27, 2005

Walk a mile in my shoes

Today's Cereal: Rice Chex and Count Chocula
Current Mood: Worn out!

Before it was even 9:00 I had walked a mile this morning. That is really, really good considering my idea of strenuous exercise is sweeping the kitchen floor.

I've actually been doing this for several weeks now (though usually not so early-- but it's getting too hot later in the day!). I made the "mistake" of introducing a morning walk into The Boy's routine, and now he won't let me skip a day without going for a walk. And one trip around the block won't suffice; no, not for This Boy. So we end up walking a mile before I am completely worn out and my disgustingly stretched-out belly muscles are just aching. It used to make me really bitter and mad that I had to do this everyday to appease The Boy, but now I am looking at it differently: I have the physical equivalent of a marathon coming up in 7 weeks or so-- If I can't leisurely walk a mile, how am I going to give birth? So now I am looking at it as training. Sure, it still hurts and it still sucks and I'm tired the rest of the day, but it will make things so much easier for my birthing time.

That's what everyone keeps telling me, anyways. They'd better not be lying to me or I will punch them all in the throat. I can do it, you know-- I've been training.


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