Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Blood is thicker than a lot of things

Today's Cereal: Honey & Nut Chex
Current Mood: Exhausted

I facilitated another reunion yesterday. It left me in a really good mood (which was promptly destroyed this morning when The Boy started the day off by whining and never stopped...) This reunion was awesome. The birthparents were a married couple who had 8 kids at home already, and just could not afford the one more they were expecting. Very sad that they had to make a hard decision like giving up a child based on money, but it happens a lot. Although both the birthparents have died, I was able to connect my client to her oldest sister, who in turn told all the rest of the siblings. They didn't know about her, so they were shocked to say the least-- but it was a good surprise. They cried with joy, and have begun to welcome her into their large clan. I am so pleased that it went well! My client couldn't stop giggling (she's 50!) after I told her that her sister was going to call her that night. I was thrilled for her.


At Thu May 19, 03:35:00 PM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

honey nut chex are my favorite

At Fri May 20, 08:24:00 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad news, So when I went out to Hawaii again last week, I called the social worker who was/is working on finding my birth mother. And there has been no luck in finding her. They tried to look her up through the Church records but couldn't find her. Kind of a bummer, but I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your job, and thanks for all of us adopted folk, for hooking us up.


At Fri May 20, 08:45:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Richard, where the hell have you been? You've dropped off the radar screen for the last couple months - we need to do lunch.

At Fri May 20, 12:08:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Richard! I wish they'd consider releasing her information to me and I would take a crack at finding her. I'd love to help you out. There is one thing I've learned in doing this, though... when the time is right, she will be found.

How soon till the wedding again?

At Fri May 20, 01:46:00 PM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Let me try this again: Richard, sorry for the news. I didn't mean to sound so hard and uncaring. You know I love you!


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