Friday, April 22, 2005

As Britney says, "Oops I did it again!"

Today's cereal: Corn Chex
Current Mood: bored

Some of you might wonder about the title of my blog, "Accidentally insulting the world, one person at a time". You might be thinking, "What could this sweet little Mormon girl possibly do to insult anyone? She can barely even swear right."

It's time to tell you a few stories.

I have this really annoying habit of saying stuff without really thinking about what I'm saying. Generally, I end up offending someone. Take for instance my friend Sean. One day he was whining about how fat he was, how he's a tub of lard and is going to look like his dad one day. I, thinking I was doing him a favor by making him see how wrong he was, said "Oh Sean, you're not fat until you wear a 38-inch waist!" He visibly deflated. His shoulders hunched over, his head hung down, and he let out a noise somewhere between a whine and a moan. And he said, "Oh. I wear a 40..."

Then there was the time where Rob Whitworth-- a real self-righteous bastard, but I digress-- was complaining after he got his ACT scores back. He kept saying how stupid he was, and I was getting annoyed because I was sure he was just doing it for attention; and that his score was actually above-average and he was just saying he was stupid because he wanted people to know what his score was and that truthfully it was really high. (Did that make sense? Sorry for the run-on.) So I says to him, says I, "Rob, you're only stupid if you got less than a 20." I think you can see where this is going--I gotta stop saying stuff like this... Naturally his score was an 18. He looked pretty pissed, and I think he said something sarcastic in return. Needless to say, he wasn't as chummy with me after that. (But I can't feel too bad about that, because he was a tool. Still is, from what I understand.)

And then there was the time at a family party when I found out my cousin had named her [illegitimate] child 'Roy'. My response: "Roy!? What a stupid name! Why doesn't she just pin a 'kick me' sign to his onsie? What kind of a name is ROY?!?" This I said very loudly, just as his father, Roy Sr. walked in. Might I add that Roy Sr. was a scary looking gangsta-dude with a known criminal background? One day I will find "Roy was here" spelled out in bullet holes in the side of my house...

I have lots more stories like these. Some are more embarassing than others; some are more minor infractions-- but it seems to be my calling card nonetheless. If you are going to know me for an extended period of time, I am eventually going to insult you. Money-back guarantee.

I apologize in advance...


At Fri Apr 22, 02:06:00 PM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah, Robby Whitworth was a major tool. His too-perfect hair bugged the sweet bejeezus out of me. What an ass.

I, too, insult people unintentionally (sometimes intentionally) but I don't remember them. I just laugh really hard in their face and move on. When I've been drinking, whoa nelly, it gets turned up to 11. Name that movie!

At Fri Apr 22, 04:22:00 PM MDT, Blogger David said...

That is too funny!! and the insults are always twice as funny when they come from a sweet little mormon girl, that just adds to the punch line.

At Fri Apr 22, 05:25:00 PM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Come on, no one knows where the "11" reference comes from? Damn, Gina!

At Fri Apr 22, 07:30:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

I even Googled it.... I got nothing!

At Sat Apr 23, 05:38:00 AM MDT, Blogger Scott said...

Hey Beck, do these pants make my butt look big?

(I figure I might as well get mine out of the way)

At Sat Apr 23, 12:02:00 PM MDT, Blogger John said...

Spinal Tap

At Sat Apr 23, 12:03:00 PM MDT, Blogger John said...

or Back to the Future referencing Spinal Tap

At Sat Apr 23, 03:22:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

No Scott, those pants don't make your butt look big. YOUR BUTT makes your butt look big!

Ooops, I mean, no- the pants are hot...


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