Tuesday, June 28, 2005

News, you suck.

So, here's a direct quote from my midwife today: "It could be any day, it could be in two weeks."

So there you go. I was really hoping that she would say, "Oh my, you are having the baby right now! Hurry and drive across the street to the hospital and I will meet you there!" I seriously even brought my hospital bag in the car, just in case. Guess I'm an idiot.

I also have something to say to our local news stations: The NBA draft is NOT, I repeat NOT "BREAKING NEWS!!!!!". Breaking news is the president dying, or a tornado hitting downtown Salt Lake City, or something BIG like that. Do NOT interrupt The Simpsons with your lame-ass basketball so-called Breaking News.


At Wed Jun 29, 09:10:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

In my world, if the NHL finally settled the labor dispute, that'd be breaking news, even during "Friends".


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