Monday, June 20, 2005


Today's Cereal: Cocoa Puffs and Frosted (?!) Rice Krispies (Surprisingly good! A new fav, I think)
Current Mood: Sleepy and anxious

So I was totally having contractions this morning. I even made Kitt wait a little while before leaving for work so we could decide whether this was the Big Day or not. The contractions stopped after breakfast, so Kitt left. I went to the store, though, and picked up several things that I need for the stay in the hospital. I've had a few contractions on and off, but it looks like Robin will wait a little longer.

Today's episode made me realize how woefully unprepared I am. Mentally I'm prepared, but physically... Among many other things, we still need to finish painting the Baby's room. We chose to paint stripes on the lower half of the wall. Aren't we ambitious? But that's Kitt and I to a "T". If we're going to do something creative, we're going to go All Out. We're having the family over to our house tonight for dinner instead of the weekly night at my mom's, so hopefully the Fam can either help us paint, or at least keep the Boy occupied while we finish.

I liked Scott's post today. I can SO relate.


At Mon Jun 20, 05:54:00 PM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! Do NOT have that baby before I get there! I hope the Fam helps you get the room done. I didn't even have my bag packed when my water broke with Sasha. For some reason, my midwife thought she should reprimand me for that when I called to let her know we were getting ready to leave...I just needed to pack and wait for my mom to get there to keep V. I think we all know what happened after I got everything together and finally left less than ten minutes later...By the way, I forgot to pack shoes, toiletries, an outfit for the poor kid to wear home-BUT, I remembered the camera (and, luckily, the phone)!


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