Sunday, June 05, 2005


Today's Cereal: Wheat Chex and Crunch Berries
Current Mood: Shut up. Stop asking me.

If I could get more than 4 hours of sleep a night, I would probably feel more like blogging. As it is, all I feel like doing is punching stuff.

It doesn't help that my in-laws spent the weekend over at my house moving furniture around so we can make a room for the baby. It was very, very nice of them; and not that I don't appreciate it (because I am too damn big and tired to do it myself), but my mother-in-law is rather agressive about cleaning and throwing things away. So everything is moved, and I can't find a damn thing and it is making me more irate. If that is possible.

In other news, we bought pink paint. Never thought I'd have a pink room. Hope it doesn't look like the Easter Bunny barfed all over the walls when we are done.

As of tomorrow I will be 34 weeks pregnant. Here is what "The Internet" says about my pregnancy this week:
Fetal Development:
The baby responds as a newborn with its eyes open while awake and closed while sleeping. S/he is developing immunities to fight mild infection. Those sharp little fingernails are at the ends of the fingertips already, and you might need to clip them during the first few days after birth.

Maternal Changes:

You've probably felt some Braxton Hicks contractions for the past several weeks but they may intensify now. They are usually painless and non-rhythmical. These are preparing your body for the real thing.

Ideas for Dad:
Mom is feeling huge and clumsy now. She may be weepy and vulnerable or extremely moody. Tell her how beautiful she is and what a wonderful mom she'll be. Serve her breakfast in bed and help her feel like the special woman she is.

I like the dad idea. I am not only feeling huge, I AM huge. See?

Damn, I'm huge!

And I can't stop crying at stupid, stupid things. My husband does so many nice things for me when I ask him to, but sometimes I wish he'd surprise me one day with something that will make me feel special. Food is good. It's been like 8 years since I got flowers. A day at the library would kick ass. I guess I never do anything for him, though, so why should he have to for me? Just because I cry doesn't mean I should get presents. (The Boy would beg to differ, I'm sure.)

Here, one more picture for you:

Me and The Boy

I'm CAMPING, people! I don't have any makeup on, and my face is getting fat. Deal with it, and tell me I'm pretty.


At Mon Jun 06, 08:49:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

you look beautiful and sooooo much like your mom!

At Mon Jun 06, 02:39:00 PM MDT, Blogger LizzieDaisy said...

You're gorgeous! :)

At Mon Jun 06, 03:12:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Aw, thanks guys! (er, I mean, girls.)Nothin' beats feeling pretty. Now if only I could find something to wear...

At Mon Jun 06, 03:48:00 PM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Pull a Demi and go nekkid.

At Mon Jun 06, 04:55:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Amen, Sister(in law)! I want to weep with joy when the litter box gets cleaned without having to ask.


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