Thursday, June 09, 2005

Duh, I'm a big fat idiot! Uh-hyuck!

Today's Cereal: None! We are out of milk! So I had a Wal-Mart donut instead. I am not satisfied.
Current Mood: Annoyed.

My supervisor is a bona fide idiot.

I am in the office ONE DAY A WEEK-- Wednesdays. She has been fully aware of this since I started this schedule a year ago. Yesterday she catches me in the hall and says that she needs a whole bunch of games made up to take with her to a conference she is going to this weekend. Oh, and she's leaving tonight.

The games she is talking about are these cheesy, feel-good social worker-type games where everyone is supposed to share their feelings and be lovey and sweet (and it's all a bunch of sh*t!). She came up with the idea a couple of years ago, and me-- being a whiz at Microsoft Publisher-- made them up for her. Since then, it's been my job to put these games together. We usually give them out to members of our support groups, so I make up about a dozen of them every few months. Let me tell you, it is a pain in the butt to put these together. I have to collate 60 cards for each game, print out labels for the inside and outside of each box, trim the labels, attach them, print out and cut out an instruction card for each game, buy dice, and assemble it all. Putting together a dozen usually takes me 2 or 3 hours.

She wanted 30 to take with her. AND SHE'S LEAVING TONIGHT, she says.

Oh sure, I can do that--no problem. Here, let me just pull down my pants and PULL THEM OUT OF MY BUTT FOR YOU!!!

What an idiot. Could she not have called me about it a week ago? Even Tuesday night would have been fine. I could have had them all done and brought them to work with me yesterday, and there would be no crisis to deal with. Instead she waits until the LAST FREAKIN' MINUTE, like an idiot. So now the Big Boss, who is also going to the conference but not leaving until tomorrow, has to make a special trip into the office to pick them up, and I had to bust my butt trying to get them there in time for her this morning. AND I had to bring The Boy into the office with me, which is always an adventure. And I don't mean the type of adventure where you stumble onto treasure while making a sandcastle on your Carribean vacation. I mean the type of adventure with spiders and poison darts coming at you, and you lose 3 of your men, and you come out missing an eye or something.

So I spent last night putting these damn games together when I should have been playing Galactic Battlegrounds with the hubby. Or painting the pink room. Or something else. ANYTHING else. The plus side is that I get paid for the time it takes me to put them together. And I was NOT shy about double-billing the time that my husband spent helping me so I could get to bed before midnight, I tell you what.

*grumble, grumble*. Idiot.


At Thu Jun 09, 02:35:00 PM MDT, Blogger Scott said...

That's the donut talking. Somebody is a little grouchy when she doesn't get her Sugar Smacks. :o)

I have to agree - boss's are idiots sometimes.

At Thu Jun 09, 02:42:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

Aw, Hell yes! I had big plans for the BooBerry this morning. BIG plans.
But Nooooo... I couldn't go to the store for milk like I planned because I had to get these MOFO games made!
Stupid crusty old Wal-Mart donut...


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