Today’s Cereal: Cran-Vanilla Crunch
Current Mood: Industrious
Alright. This is it. 100 things about me (Part One). Because I know that you want to know all about me, I’m that awesome.
1. My first name is NOT Rebecca. It’s just Becky.
2. It doesn’t bother me when people call me Rebecca—I secretly feel smug about them being presumptious.
3. My first name came from my dad’s cousin, Becky, who was killed in a car accident when she was a teenager.
4. My middle name is Louise, and for a really long time I thought I was named after the Hispanic guy from Sesame Street. You know, Luis.
5. My middle name really came from a close friend of my parents. I’ve met her about 3 times that I can remember.
6. I believe in ghosts. I didn’t think I was a-scared of them, but recently I think I am.
7. I love my job as an Adoption Confidential Intermediary. One day I hope to be the area’s leading expert.
8. I hate bugs. All bugs. Especially spiders, cockroaches, and earwigs. And centipedes. Man, they’re nasty! Oh, and grasshoppers, especially big ones. Bees are icky too. The list goes on.
9. I have “personal space issues”. My personal space is about 2 feet wider than most people’s. Don’t get in it (unless I put you there by moving closer myself).
10. I knew when I was 16 that I was going to marry Kitt. I’m not sure if he did or not.
11. I started teaching Sunday School about 4 years ago, and discovered that I can be a good teacher. I was promised in a blessing when I accepted the position that I would “find a new talent”, and I certainly did. IMHO.
12. I like to sing, but I get stage fright so bad that doing so in public is rarely enjoyable.
13. Whether I sing in the shower or not is a good indicator of my mood/energy level.
14. I can’t remember what life was like before my kids. It must have been really boring. Or just really relaxing.
15. I’m late for everything. I was almost late for my own wedding.
16. I tend to be rather vain. I won’t go out of the house without make-up on. And I’d rather look good and be late than be on time and look frumpy.
17. I don’t like swimming because I don’t like to get cold and wet and ugly.
18. I used to be able to paint. I haven’t attempted it for probably 8 years.
19. I married when I was 19. I turned 20 four days later.
20. I have a hard time with “chit-chat”. Social situations with people I don’t know are difficult as a result.
21. If I have to “chit-chat” with someone, I pretend in my mind that I am either Kitt’s sister Dawn, or my friend Shawna. Both are very good at talking to strangers.
22. I haven’t been to the dentist for probably 3 years. Maybe more. Hate going.
23. I am allergic to cats, but I have three. They don’t seem to bother me.
24. I am the youngest in my family, and the only girl. My big brothers took very good care of me. I don’t recall being overly-teased.
25. I call my mom nearly every day because I still need her. It probably annoys her. But she always answers my stupid questions. (like, how long do you cook this-and-this? Or what do I do if my kid does such-and-such?)
26. I think my mom deserves to be sainted, and I bristle if you talk badly about her. Guaranteed way to get on my “Shit List”.
27. If I could start a non-profit organization, I would start a temporary animal shelter for women who are trying to leave abusive relationships but have nowhere for their pet to go. Did you know that often women won’t leave because they won’t leave their pet? It happens, and it’s sad. I’d shelter their animal until they could get a place that will take it. Or I’d promise to find it a good home if it came to that.
28. If I were the personification of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, I’d be Envy. Or maybe Pride.
29. I like smells. They mean a lot to me. Every time someone goes on vacation, I ask them what it SMELLED like when they come back.
30. I thought New York City smelled like coffee, urine, and tar.
31. I don’t mind the smell of skunk. It reminds me of staying at my dad’s boss’s ranch when we were young.
32. I was dangerously close to full-fledged anorexia the year after I graduated from high school. It was a very dark time for me.
33. I’ve never fired a gun, and don’t ever intend to. I won’t have a gun in my house. I held one once, and it gave me a very evil feeling.
34. Sometimes I think I like my dead relatives better than my living ones. I wonder if I would still feel that way if I could meet my ancestors.
35. My ancestors take up about 25% of my waking thoughts.
36. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have kids. That makes me feel like a bad mother.
37. At the same time, I’d like to have two more.
38. I have a lot of hobbies and interests. I have very little time for any of them. I have to tackle them one at a time now.
39. I’d sacrifice food for sleep. There’s nothing better than sleeping in until 10 a.m. I haven’t done that for two years now. I probably won’t get to again for another 15.
40. My proudest accomplishment has been giving birth naturally. Twice. I secretly think I should have been given a plaque or a trophy for this.
41. I cry every time I read The Rainbow Bridge. Aw crap, I’m crying now just thinking about it!
42. I secretly like to speak in church. I think I’m good at it.
43. I was mad that I didn’t get the lead in the high school musical. I was offered a chorus position instead, and turned it down. I didn’t want to devote that much time to a lousy chorus position.
44. I thrive on approval. I am constantly worried that I am doing something wrong.
45. I wish I knew how to speak Italian. I started to learn, but haven’t done anything further about it for several years.
46. I like being in my husband’s personal space. I think his aura comforts my own. If I believed in that.
47. I sleep with a blanket. My “Soft”. It is really my mom’s old nightgown.
48. I am upset that I still look like I am 4 months pregnant. Otherwise, I am pretty okay with how I look.
49. Except that I would sell a kidney for curly hair. I hate my straight, straight hair.
50. In my mind I look a lot more like a cartoon; like an anime character. Sometimes I am surprised that I don’t really look like that.
This is harder than I thought! Stay tuned for Part Two.