Uh-oh... time to make myself a "Swear Jar"
Today's Cereal: Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp
Current Mood: Amused
So, I was playing with The Boy just now, and the phone rang. I put him down (which started a tantrum), and I ran down the hall to get to the phone before the answering machine picked up. Running behind me, mad as hell, was The Boy-- who was yelling, "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!"
To that I have to say, Dammit. The Boy has picked up a new word! Not only did he get it from me, he used it in context. Now that's comedy.
My submission of words to teach The Boy:
Shwing! Ha! I haven't hear that for so long! Alright, mission accepted.
He'll probably learn dude before too long anyways- I say that WAY too much.
Ohhhh, moist is one of those words from a post way back of "bad" words not to say right (which never occurred to me)? Where'd I read that... here??
Why do they listen at the most inopportune times? Grrr. :)
I don't recall any specific words my kids picked up from me, but I do recall that Jordyn use to roll her eyes just like me whenever I am annoyed with someone. I didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out to me. I wish I could say that she out grew this, but she hasn't and it annoys the crap out of me and Jeremy.
Pretty sure he heard his Grandma say those same words when you were here on Monday. So it is passed on from generation to generation....
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