Thursday, July 14, 2005

Little update

Today's cereal: Multi-Grain Cheerios
Current mood: Really wishing my husband would go to the Artic Circle and get me that Reeses Pieces shake they are advertising on their marquee.

Well, Baby Robin is a week old today. It's been a tough week, what with the constant crying that I can only partially explain. My poor hubby has gotten through this with flying colors, however. He's a good guy, and I'll fight anyone who wants to say differently. Hey, don't eff with the post-partum woman. Baby's doing great, getting a fat little tummy, and sleeping all the freakin' time. Except at night. Of course. My milk-makers are doing better, thanks wholly to the Wonderful Shawna who had to show me how to breastfeed all over again. (You'd think, after doing it for over a year with my Boy, that I wouldn't have any problems.) And yes Sarah, my CROTCH is actually feeling better, despite the stitches I ended up with. Now that's saying something about how uncomfortable I was!

Now my only complaint is that my neck and shoulders are stiff and incredibly painful because holding, feeding, and burping a baby is making me use muscles that I generally don't use (for my usual activities like surfing the internet for hours on end and reading stories to The Boy). So when the Baby finally falls asleep at night, I can't because I can't find a position to sleep in that doesn't cause needles of pain to shoot up my neck and burrow into my brain. What are you gonna do, though, eh?

On a non-baby-related note, ONLY ONE DAY UNTIL MY HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE IS DELIVERED TO MY DOORSTEP!!!!!!! (sorry about the multiple exclaimation points, but I can't stress enough how effing excited I am for this.) When book 5 came out, I had it read in just over 24 hours. I am super depressed that I won't be able to do this with this next book because I am now a parent. A toddler and a newborn just aren't conducive to 24-hour read-a-thons* in the comfort of my bed. It irks me to no end that there will be people in the world who know what happens to dear Harry before I do. Curse them! I hope they get really bad papercuts. And please bless that my mailman will, for some reason he can't explain, bring my book to me before he delivers the mail to the rest of my neighborhood. Oh, mister mustachioed mailman, I will totally make out with you if you do.

Oh, and Lingua Frank has an awesome story posted on his blog. Go there. Seriously.

*(remember having read-a-thons in elementary school? I think I may have been one of a handful of kids who looked forward to these because I actually got to read, ALL DAY.)


At Fri Jul 15, 08:47:00 AM MDT, Blogger Unknown said...

You need a good massage therapist. Call Leah.

Awesome that you yell CROTCH. I love that.

I've had the Jackling Elementary School song running through my head for about a week. I, too, was one of the kids that looked forward to read-a-thons for a couple reasons: we got to read, bring candy to school and bring a pillow or blanket. How cool is that?

At Fri Jul 15, 10:20:00 AM MDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did the Target pre-order...unfortunately, you can only pick your book up at the Target you pre-ordered at. Seeing as we are not going to be anywhere near the same side of the Mississippi River as our Target on Harry Potter Day, we are going to have to fight the rest of the Flanaclan for the privelege of being in the same room as the precious tome. Alas...


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