Monday, April 11, 2005

The greatest dog ever? I don't think so.

Today's Cereal: Raisin Bran & Corn Pops
Current Mood: Energetic

So, the other day the Hubby and I were discussing the drawbacks of owning a big red dog. Besides the obvious one of where do you keep him, there are some other problems that the show never discusses. For instance, how does little Emily Elizabeth clean up after her ginormous pet? I give them a month before the little Birdwell Island landfill is full to the top with big red poo. And how do they feed that behemoth? I have a hard time believing that they can buy enough dog food just from the income of a little souvenir shop. And how did they neuter Clifford? (And if they didn't neuter him, how many people have died after he tried to hump their leg?) I can't imagine being licked by him, either. It looks all cute and lovey on the cartoon, but imagine the dry cleaning bills in real life.

I like dogs, but only little dogs. Nothing bigger than a beagle for me, thank you. My problem with big dogs is that they have big poo and big drool. A dog bigger than a house? Hmmmmm.....


At Tue Apr 12, 12:35:00 PM MDT, Blogger David said...

On the positive side you would over night become one of the largest suppliers of fertilizer in the country.

At Tue Apr 12, 02:42:00 PM MDT, Blogger Beck said...

That's a very positive way to look at it.
Hey, maybe THAT'S how they afford to feed him!


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