Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Business of the day

Item 1:
My new haircut DIDN'T take me an hour to figure out this morning, which I'm happy about, and it ACTUALLY looks halfway decent (I still want it fixed, though-- thanks for the suggestions). At least, I THOUGHT it looked halfway decent; but only two people at work have said anything to me about it. You might not think that is a big deal, but in an office of ALL WOMEN, and a social service office at that--where we are trained to be sensitive and crap-- if no one notices (or at least says anything) it is BAD NEWS. This could mean two things: It looks SO BAD that no one wants to say anything at all; or that it looks so natural on me that everyone thinks that it is the same old me. I think I'm really stretching on that one, though.

Item 2:
Let's discuss haircuts in general, while we're on the topic. Specifically, women and haircuts. It is my impression that women cut their hair when they are at a crossroads in their life. New boyfriend, losing an old boyfriend, new job, new baby, graduating, rut they're trying to get out of... Maybe we are hoping to have a teeny bit of control over a life that seems to be spinning out of it. So what do we do? Take control of the one thing that is truly ours, and cut it. This is a very dangerous thing to do. On one hand, a fabulous haircut can make all the difference in your life-- can give you the confidence you need to face the decisions and/or situations that seem overwhelming. On the other hand, though, a bad haircut... well, I know you've all known someone who got a bad haircut and how it makes them act. A bad haircut can make a bad phase in your life even worse.
That's all I'm going to say about haircuts (until mine is fixed!) because I'm boring myself.

Item 3:
I just spent over an hour reading other people's blogs. I've come to some conclusions:
a. Swearing is funny.
b. I don't swear enough. But I'm not funny to begin with, and swearing more will probably only make me sound more like the west-side hick I'm trying hard to break free from
c. Bathroom stories are hi-larious.
d. Nudity is funny, especially genitals.
e. Other people have WAY more interesting lives than I do
f. Other people are also smarter than me, and that hurts.
g. There seems to be a small clique of bloggers who read and link to each other's blogs. I am the uncool kid who stands next to the cool kids in the hopes of being mistaken as part of the crowd. If I were to actually be admitted in, I would probably wet myself with excitement, and then poo myself with nerves for having to keep up with being "as cool" as the others.

Item 4:
Stories for other posts. I am taking requests:
a. Garbled Boy
b. Calling Sean fat
c. Calling Ken-Doll Rob Stupid
d. Telling the bishop's assistant that his kids have gay names
e. Telling someone my parents beat me
f. My dad's a retard (Dad, I am not referring to you-- calm down.)


At Wed Feb 23, 03:16:00 PM MST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your ideas at the bottom are a damn good place to start. You could have an ENTIRE blog just about garble boy, and I would keep reading. I think it will take you a little while to settle in and really find your voice, but, just sos you knows, I drop by each afternoon to see what's up.

At Wed Feb 23, 03:42:00 PM MST, Blogger Unknown said...

Who's Lucius Atherton? You've got to, for me, tell the story of the open-handed slap to Ryan's face.

At Wed Feb 23, 04:06:00 PM MST, Blogger Beck said...

Ooo! Ooo! That's a good one, Sarah. I can't remember all the details... what exactly did he SAY that incited The Slap? I was so proud...

At Wed Feb 23, 05:29:00 PM MST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. You are funny. In a cynical smart-ass sort of way.
2. You're smarter than me so shut up.
3. Swearing CAN be DAMN funny, if used in the right way and context. Too much swearing is just a turn off.
4. Nice haircut. Really.

At Wed Feb 23, 06:51:00 PM MST, Blogger Lucius Atherton said...

Halloo, Becky. If you thought you were a lame-ass, at least you weren't inspired by some other dork's blog to start your own. I was really only trying to create some sort of official logon when it decided that I wanted a blog of my own, instead. So I just went with it. Here it is. Let me know what you think:

At Wed Feb 23, 10:58:00 PM MST, Blogger Beck said...

You rock, Bryan. You're the smarter one. You should have a blog of your own. You need a place to rant. You're too mild-mannered. Speak and Spell indeed.


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