Monday, December 26, 2005

Post-Christmas report

Today's cereal: I've been too damn busy cleaning up Christmas crap and playing with my blog to eat any cereal. I did have a couple of caramels, though, so my most important meal of the day was covered.

So, my brother and sister-in-law got a new digital camera and they gave their old one to me. This is probably my favorite Christmas present, even though it wasn't really a present. Bryan doesn't realize it, but he could have tied a bow on it and saved himself some money buying the other present he gave me. (But the other present he got in Disneyland, so I'm awful glad he gave it to me. I am hoping that some "disney germs" get on me- thus enabling me to fly when I think happy thoughts. Ah, Disneyland, how I miss you.) I went a little nuts with my new camera, hence the photo-heavy post today.

We got The Boy some Thomas the Tank Engine trains, and had them all set up on a track for when he came out to see what Santa brought him (even though he was a-scared poopless of Santa). Here is his first look at his train set.

We spent a small bundle on presents for Aiden, but we could have gotten by with just the $14 Walmart train set. All he wanted to do was play with that, and he wouldn't open any other presents until we half-opened them for him so he could see what was inside. Once he caught a glimpse he would open the next one, but after he got it opened all he wanted was to play with that toy. It was the longest Christmas morning on record.

I think The Hubby had as much fun with the trains as The Boy did. What is it about trains that makes males go ape-poo-poo?

Robin was just adorable, although it was really pointless getting her anything. Or at least, it was pointless to wrap anything, since I ended up opening everything for her. She seems to like her new toys--almost as much as Aiden likes her new toys. He freaks out and screams "Mine!" everytime he sees her playing with them. (When he isn't busy with Gordon or Percy, that is. Have you ever heard a two-year-old say, "Chugga, chugga, whoo! Whoo!" Dammit that is cute.)

Thank you everyone for all of my neat-o presents!
Love and hickies and stuff,


At Tue Dec 27, 08:48:00 AM MST, Blogger Unknown said...

Your kids are adorable! And you're braver than I am to be photographed sans makeup.

At Tue Dec 27, 08:59:00 AM MST, Blogger John said...

nice jammies

At Tue Dec 27, 09:15:00 AM MST, Blogger Beck said...

Aren't they HOTT? You can't see it in the picture 'cause I'm sitting down, but the back is actually a thong.

Hey Sarah, I'm actually wearing foundation and blush. Shhh! Don't tell! No way I would be caught dead in a picture without makeup...

At Tue Dec 27, 12:45:00 PM MST, Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! That's so something I would do! Thong jammies? HOTT.


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